
Laser Logistics
Laser Logistics PTY LTD specialises in providing public warehousing, bulk warehousing and distribution services through facilities and fleet represented in all the major centres in South Africa.

Laser Logistics is a member of The Laser Group (Pty) Limited (Laser), a diversified company that provides a wide range of logistics services to Blue Chip local companies, multinational companies and over 10 000 SMMEs. The Group operates through three trading subsidiaries: DPD Laser Express Logistics (Pty) Ltd, GAC Laser International Logistics (Pty) Ltd and Laser Logistics (Pty) Ltd.

Laser Logistics provides the following specialised services:
Public Warehousing
Contract Warehousing
Warehouse Management
Specialised Distribution
In addition to the above, the aforementioned affiliation to our sister companies allow for the seamless provision of product forwarding and clearing (GAC Laser), as well as road and air express distribution (via Dawn Wing and Time Freight).


A staff complement of 379
Fleet of 136
30 000 sq metres warehousing

Our extended network of logistics partners enables us to deliver any additional needs and to manage cyclical demand peaks, ensuring that our existing customer’s needs are met timeously and that we are also in a position to service any new or potential customers.

“To be a provider of logistics services to businesses operating within and beyond the borders of South Africa, through innovative solutions, technology and service excellence.”

    Phone: 021 906 1700 |
  • Website: Visit
Protea Fire and Ice, Cape Town
I t’s like shark cage diving, without the cage. Your next stop on the road to fun should be this extreme hotel in the heart of the Mother City!
What kind of city would Cape Town be if the coolest travellers couldn’t find the party from their hotel room? Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! Cape Town offers it on a silver platter from the minute you step into the lobby. That’s right – the party starts here! But remember, we take everything from service levels to room standards very, very seriously, but never take life too seriously. The hotel is nestled in the heart of Cape Town's entertainment area, a stone's throw away from the best vibrant nightlife hotspots, cafés and restaurants.

    Phone: +27 (0) 21 488 2555 |
  • Website: Visit